Book 2
Globalization, Media and Popular Culture in Nigeria(Publisher: Aboki, Ibadan Publication Date: 2016)

The new globalization of the twenty-first century has disturbed the notion of separate cultural, political, and economic spheres of nation-states, social groupings, and other constructed geo-political entities. Not only do people consume ideas and practices they do not produce, they also export ideals that are organic to their communities to other parts of the world. Of all the numerous areas of globalization in the twenty-first century, the aspects of popular culture, information technology, and mass media seem dominant, for they clearly demonstrate the level of cultural interdependency, characteristic of modern societies.

This nineteen-chapter book has tackled the intricacies of globalization history, media, and popular culture in a refreshing manner. From the discourse of the value of film and mass media to that of conflict resolution and gender politics, the authors of the chapters in this volume highlight the significance of social change and globalization in molding core areas of everyday life in Nigeria.

Book 5
Infrastructures and Urban Amenities in Colonial Northern Nigeria, 1903-1960(Pages: 330, Publication Date: 2019, Publisher: Kraft Books Limited, Ibadan)

This book is grounded in the colonial history of infrastructure in Northern Nigeria and is based on over a decade of in-depth research and immersion. Dr. Akpen has produced a well-researched and engaging study of an understudied yet important aspect of Nigerian history. He is telling us a new story from the perspective that the vivid history of the past is a lesson for the public history of the present.

Book 3
Infrastructure Facilities and Urban Amenities in Makurdi:(Pages: 304, Publication Date: 2014, Publisher: Darosat Global Limited, Ibadan)

This book is one of the most comprehensive studies on infrastructure facilities and urban amenities in Makurdi, North Central Nigeria, 1927–1999. The book delves into various aspects of infrastructure development and amenities in Makurdi, other towns, and some rural areas. It argues that these infrastructure developments transformed not only Makurdi's environmental and urban landscapes, but also those of other towns and rural settlements.

It further maintains that certain political and economic factors had a significant impact on the provision of these infrastructure and amenities, which facilitated social development and urban renewal. It vividly depicts certain political choices and decisions that impacted the amount of infrastructure that would have come into Makurdi and the entire Benue State.

Book 4
Modernizing Northern Nigeria: Infrastructure, Rural Facilities, and Urban Amenities, 1960–1999(Pages: 343, Publisher: Darosat Gbal Limited, Ibadan, 2024)

The book, *Modernizing Northern Nigeria: Infrastructure, Rural Facilities, and Urban Amenities, 1960–1999*, explores the history of infrastructure development in post-colonial Northern Nigeria. It delves into the dynamics and impacts of modernization through infrastructure on rural and urban landscapes.

The work highlights the economic, social, and political factors shaping infrastructure development and identifies the challenges and government efforts to enhance these facilities. It is positioned as an essential resource for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners interested in the region's development and modernization.

Book 1
Understanding History and Historiography:(Pages: 134, Publisher: Darosat Global Limited, 2024)

This book contains vivid accounts of history and historiography. History is one of the most popular academic disciplines when it comes to the study of man and his environment over time and space. This book aims to make history easier to understand both as a process and study. The book provides a very brief yet thorough introduction to history and historiography. It discusses the many approaches employed and applied in historical research within a dynamic international framework.

More books coming soon...